Finding clay.


My journey into clay has been one of growth, empowerment and healing. What a gift it has been to find a form of self-expression that has allowed me to better process our fertility struggles and celebrate womankind.

Clay is the most beautiful practise of grounding and mindfulness. Clay cannot be rushed and one must be patient - even then clay has a mind all its own. How divine it is to slow down, be in the moment and connect with the earth. So much to learn if you are willing to slow down and move patiently through the process.


Creativity has always had a special place in my life and I have dabbled in various art forms – most of which have been self-taught. I always knew I wanted to do something more with my creativity but I was impatient and had placed this dream on hold for another. Our fertility struggles and the hope of conceiving a baby consumed most of my life for a long time and I allowed this weight to grow heavy on my shoulders.

I had a very comfortable 9-5 job which was a safety net of stability and great maternity leave but I needed something more. I craved the freedom that comes with self-expression and needed to put my authentic self out there. Letting go of responsibility and the focus of conceiving a baby absolutely terrified me and it took some time to build up the courage to pull myself out of this place. But I did it.

The support of my beautiful husband and the focus shift I found while seeing our naturopath was what set me on the path to self-discovery and growth. This new path enabled me to truly look inwards in a completely different way. Somehow focusing on my body physically allowed me to reconnect with myself emotionally and spiritually. Although we still wanted to have a baby, I was able to find release from the pressure I had put myself under and felt like I could breathe again.

I booked myself into a six-week wheel throwing course (which was a beautiful introduction to working with clay), quit my job and started a small business. This has been the greatest form of self-care I have ever given myself. During this time, I taught myself to hand-build and knew I had found my calling – hand-building is how I create my current body of work today.

This path has informed my practise and played muse to my creations. I potentially wouldn’t be doing this today if it wasn’t for this journey and all it has shared with me. Despite how hard it has been at times, I wouldn’t change a thing as I am exactly who I am supposed to be right now, in this moment. I am an empowered earth mumma. Finding clay has given me the strength to embrace our journey and the freedom to bare my soul. I really hope my ceramics bring empowerment to the babes who enjoy them.

Thanks for reading beauties. That’s all for now.

The universe knows!

- Rachel x