Saint Majella (SM) celebrate revolutionary motherhood, providing a sense of community, curated events and a parenting podcast which shifts the focus to empowering the mother. This month, I was honoured to be a part of the SM 'Motherhood Unveiled' series - celebrating the journey, grit, grace and glory of mothering.

SM: Share a time you felt motherhood to be gritty/rough/hard?

RC: I feel both beauty and overwhelm in the mundanity of our everyday routines. There are times where ritual feels like an anchor holding us steady through the chaos, and other times where it all feels relentless. Parenting in a gentle and respectful way can feel difficult sometimes and the cracks of exhaustion can show up unexpectedly.

When Saint Majella contacted me to be part of their ‘Motherhood unveiled’ series, I was lying in the middle of our living room floor with my 3.5-year-old surrendering to fiery lower back pain. If that isn’t a moment of grit, I don’t know what is!

SM: Share a moment in time you felt graceful/thankful in motherhood?

RC: Becoming a mother felt graceful to me. The ease of moving into each other’s orbit felt very natural despite our long journey to parenthood and the complex world around us. I feel incredibly thankful for our daughter, Peach, and having the chance to see the world through her eyes. She is magic.

SM: Share a moment in time you felt glory/pride in yourself in motherhood?

RC: I’m not sure if glory is the word that I would use but I have felt immense pride in the way I have found my own voice and way of mothering. The way I have leaned into our natural flow of readiness and tapped into my own instincts. Thriving and growing together in our own way feels beautiful.

Feature image captured by Ashlee Shroen.

COMMUNITYRachel Charge