

Embryo transfer.

The ice-cream is too cold.

Stay warm, stay warm.

The ice-cream is too cold

in my dream reflecting my reality.

Stay warm, stay warm.

Hands on my belly,

an extra layer or more.

Stay warm, stay warm.

Knit some wool around my feet.

Can I keep you my love?

Stay warm, stay warm.

Please stay, please stay.

A memoir of the time my body became her first home. How grateful we are for the miracle that is ivf.

Baby after (in)fertility.

A fear, a pang, a memory, an emotional scar that sits in my chest and beats In my heart.

An anxiety, a longing, a need for her to be close. Always.

Grateful for our small human.

A soul as strong and sensitive as my own.

I need her just as much as she needs me.

We grow together and I heal…

with just a little bit of scar tissue.

- Rachel Charge x

Rachel Charge