READ: Rachel Charge for HOWL Magazine
“Now, I make magic in the mundane of dirty dishes and running water. A flick of my wrists to freeze the scene. Perhaps it’s not so simple. Still, a smile tugs at my lips for this moment in time, as dull as it may be, where this small comical gesture pleases my nostalgic mind and sends another silver thread back to my sisters. An ode to our childhood together and influences of a wiccan nature that have continued into adulthood.” - Rachel Charge
HOWL is a print magazine exploring the intersection of creativity and motherhood. A publication that posits that the experience of mothering - full of tenderness, wonder, mundanity, fury and insight - is worth weaving into the fabric of art, culture, literature and design. HOWL challenges the societal prescription of what a creative-thinker or mother should be.
I was thrilled to pen an ode to motherhood, sisterhood, magic and 90s screen witches for the first issue of this incredible new publication.
Read my full essay in HOWL Issue 1.