Clay water.


A body of work in between, by Rachel Charge.

A reflection of my clay practice as a means of freedom within a paused world. A space in between where a body of work can be envisioned and formed, yet remains unfinished in a raw state.

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I live in a sea, water laps my skin.

The waves move over me, I taste the salt.

Submerging my body under, I allow myself to feel it all.

Hands moving to their own rhythm, my mind clears.

Clay clings to me as I surface, sunshine warms my skin.

Breathing deeply now, the cool air calms my soul.

I hear my muse, she calls to me.

I open my eyes again, I am home.

Riding the waves, covered in clay water.


Poem and self portrait series by Rachel Charge - August 2020.

Visit Jane by the Grey Attic to view full submission as part of their open call to Melbourne Artists.

Thank you to Odin and Annika for supporting our creative scene.

- Rachel x

Rachel Charge